Boating Accidents in Scranton
Looking for a lawyer for a boating accident case in Scranton? If you or someone you know was recently injured in a boating accident in Northeast Pennsylvania or in the Pocono Mountain Region, a personal injury attorney at Rogan Law may be able to help you file a claim or lawsuit against the responsible party.
We handle the following types of boating accidents:
- Passenger boat accidents: the person responsible for operating a charter fishing boat, sailboat, motorboat or other type of watercraft that holds passengers is responsible for the safety of the people on board. If a boat operator has been drinking, is distracted or is simply inexperienced, a serious boat accident may occur, leaving passengers with serious injuries. Some of these accidents may even result in death.
- Jet Ski and waterskiing accidents: Jet Skis, Wave Runners and other recreational watercrafts are fun to ride but can prove to be very dangerous. Because they travel at high speeds the driver may lose control, particularly if he or she is a relatively inexperienced rider. These vehicles also do not have brakes.
No matter the particular circumstances of your boat accident or personal watercraft accident, a lawyer at our firm can still help. Contact us today!
We represent swimmers struck by boats or Jet Skis while in the water, as well as Jet Ski operators who were injured in collisions with boats, passengers of boats and boat operators who were struck by another vehicle on the water.
The majority of boating accidents are caused due to negligence of the person operating the boat. A boat accident attorney can review your particular case and conduct an investigation to determine the cause of your accident as well as who was to blame, therefore enabling you to recover financial compensation for the injuries you have sustained.

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