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Scranton Drunk Driving Accident Attorney


The holidays are here, and while we all welcome the festivity and celebration the season offers, we could do without the irresponsible behavior of those people who, despite massive efforts to raise the public's awareness about its dangers, continue to drive drunk.

According to national statistics, approximately one-third of all auto accidents involve drunk drivers. So many drunk drivers take to the roads everyday, that one person dies in an alcohol-related car accident every 45 seconds.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, then you need a Scranton drunk driving accident attorney.

A Scranton drunk driving accident lawyer from Rogan Law can help you seek financial compensation and can take legal action against the driver who caused your accident and injuries.

Rogan Law represents clients who have been injured in drunk driving accidents in Scranton and throughout Northeast Pennsylvania and the Poconos.

Contact Rogan Law today.