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Hazleton, Luzerne County, Immigration Crime


Need help with Hazleton, Luzerne County, immigration crime charges? If so, then you are not alone.

In 2006, Hazleton made national news when it passed its Illegal Immigration Relief Act, a law that discouraged hiring and renting to undocumented immigrants. In Hazleton, this mostly meant Latinos; the law had a chilling impact on the Latino community, including its many members who are American citizens.

Support for the act was based partly on the city mayor's claim that murders and violent crimes had increased dramatically as a result of illegal immigration to the city.

However, evidence suggested that this claim was untrue. In fact, studies show that undocumented immigrants have extremely low incarceration rates, and that very few serious crimes committed in Hazleton were attributable to undocumented immigrants.

In 2007, a federal judge struck down the Illegal Immigration Relief Act. An appeal filed with a federal appeals court last fall is still awaiting a ruling. Latino residents throughout the region remain fearful for their safety and worried about the futures of their jobs, homes and businesses.

In the meantime, people charged with Hazleton, Luzerne County, immigration crimes continue to need effective legal representation - immigration offenses remain extremely common in the United States and throughout Pennsylvania.

If you or a loved one has been charged with an immigration offense in Luzerne County or anywhere throughout northeast PA or the Poconos, then you need to take immediate action to protect your rights and your future. A Luzerne County criminal defense lawyer from Rogan Law will take the proper actions on your behalf to improve your chances of successfully resolving your immigration charges.

If you prefer to communicate in Spanish, then let us know. We will accommodate you.

Hablamos espanol, y deseamos representarle con el respeto y atencion que usted se merece. Llamenos hoy.