More and more families in our area are being notified that land adjacent to their property will be used as a planned site for water withdrawal for potential gas drilling. Saturday's Times-Tribune reports that nine additional NEPA families living in the Marcellus Shale region will be impacted by gas drilling and hydrofracturing, or fracking.
For residents whose property borders land owned by gas drilling companies, this new development offers another reason to be concerned. While they did not give their permission for their land to be used for drilling and fracking, these residents will surely be affected by the company's plan to begin withdrawing up to 100,000 gallons of water per day.
Residents living in the Marcellus Shale region need to be aware of their rights. Chances are, if you are living in an affected area of NEPA, you could benefit from a discussion of your legal options regarding the unintended effects gas drilling could have on your drinking water or the value of your land. Accidents have already occurred at drilling sites, resulting in natural gas spills, and there is also the concern of whether drilling is spreading toxic chemicals.
If you would like to learn more about how an attorney can help forward your legal rights as a resident or land owner in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, the
Poconos, Wayne County or any of the surrounding areas, contact a
Marcellus Shale attorney at Rogan Law today.

Worries over Marcellus Shale for Area Residents
Patrick Rogan