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Two Masked Men Burglarize Carbondale Residence


According to Pennsylvania statutes, a person is guilty if he enters a building or occupied structure, with the purpose to commit a crime therein, unless the premises are at the time open to the public or the actor is licensed or privileged to enter. Burglary is a 2nd degree felony if it is committed at night or if in the course of the burglary the actor is armed with a weapon or inflicts bodily harm upon a resident. All other burglaries are graded as 3rd degree felony. These are serious charges and a Lackawanna County defense attorney can help you!

The Scranton Times-Tribune reports that two masked men broke through a rear-door inside a Carbondale home and threatened a 25-year old woman at knifepoint. Her infant son was sleeping next to her during the burglary. Neither the woman or infant was injured during the burglary.

If you have been charged with a serious felony such as burglary, then you need to contact an experienced Carbondale criminal defense lawyer in order to ensure that your rights are aggressively protected. Whether in Scranton, Carbondale, Montrose, Stroudsburg, Tunkhannock or Wilkes-Barre, an aggressive and experienced Lackawanna County criminal defense lawyer can navigate you through the complicated criminal system - and will fight for your rights!

Don't risk a long prison sentence by putting your liberty in the hands of the legal system or of an inexperienced or unavailable lawyer. Contact an aggressive burglary defense lawyer at Rogan Law today! We are ready to protect you.
