Scranton Sexual Harassment Lawyer
When a person is treated in a sexually inappropriate manner, it is considered to be sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can take many forms and will result in serious consequences for the harasser. If you or someone close to you has been accused of sexual harassment, you should immediately contact a sex crime defense attorney at our firm. At Rogan Law, we provide legal assistance and support to individuals who are facing allegations of sexual harassment. These accusations are serious and your lawyer will need to handle your case in an equally serious manner.
Sexual harassment can take many different forms, including:
- Unwelcome requests for sexual favors
- Sexual advances
- Sexual jokes
- Lewd acts
- Talk of superiority of one gender
- Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
Hostile Work Environments
Sexual harassment can occur between any types of people, gender does not have to play a role, and a sexual harassment victim doesn't necessarily have to be the person to whom the inappropriate behavior was directed. There are two specific types of sexual harassment that have been defined for legal purposes: quid pro quo and hostile work environment.
Quid pro quo translates to this for that; in a sexual harassment case, it is used to define a sexual request that is made suggesting that the victim will be somehow compensated for complying with the request. A hostile work environment created by sexual harassment means that the victim fears going to work because of intimidating or harassing behavior.
At Rogan Law we can help you if you are currently facing sexual harassment allegations in Scranton or Wilkes-Barre. When confronted with this situation, you need to make sure that your rights are protected and that the situation is being handled in the best way possible.
A lawyer from our firm will oversee your case from beginning to end, and will fight for you every step of the way. Contact a Scranton sexual harassment attorney to learn more.

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