Indecent Exposure Lawyer in Scranton
A person can be charged with indecent exposure if they display their body inappropriately in public. Indecent exposure may involve such actions as displaying one's genitals to one or more persons, with the intention of shocking the onlookers for the sexual satisfaction of the offender. There are many different actions that may lead to an indecent exposure or lewdness charge, and despite the circumstances of the situation you will need to speak with an attorney if you have been charged with this sex offense.
Indecent exposure or lewdness is typically charged as a misdemeanor, but can still have a profound effect on a person's life due to the social stigma associated with this offense. Individuals convicted of indecent exposure or lewdness may be ordered to register as sex offenders, which means that their whereabouts and status will be widely known in the community. Registered sex offenders often have difficulty finding employment and places to live and are shunned and outcast by society, and may even be the targets of violence.
Questions About Indecent Exposure or Lewdness?
Indecent exposure is a serious criminal charge that has the potential to affect your life for many years to come. When facing charges from a sex offense, it is imperative that you retain a lawyer's services. A Scranton criminal defense attorney from our firm will provide you with the serious and aggressive representation you will need to overcome your indecent exposure or lewdness charges. We urge you not to risk facing the penalties from this offense by neglecting to hire an attorney to handle your case.
A lawyer from our firm will know exactly how to handle your case to give you the best chance at overcoming your charges.

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