Scranton Sexual Assault Attorney
Call 570.906.8532 Anytime 24/7 to Reach Our Defense Firm
Sexual assault is a general term which encompasses a wide range of crimes, including rape. Rape is non-consensual sexual intercourse involving the use of force or the threat of force, violence, or injury. In addition to rape, there are a number of other acts that fall under the umbrella of sexual assault, including forced anal intercourse, forced oral copulation, penetration of the anal or vaginal area with a foreign object, and forcibly touching an intimate partner of another person. Both men and women can commit sexual assault.
You need to take immediate action to protect your future. Individuals who are convicted of sexual assault may face some severe penalties, although the specific consequences will depend on the nature of the crime committed, the level of physical & emotional injury sustained by the victim, and the defendant's criminal history. Individuals who have prior sex crime convictions on their record will almost always face worse penalties for second, third, or subsequent sex offenses.
Have you been charged with sexual assault, or are you currently under investigation for sexual assault? Call (570) 906-8532 to start getting the answers and legal representation you deserve!
Penalties for Sexual Assault
When facing criminal charges from a sex offense such as sexual assault, it is important to realize how dire the situation really is. Individuals who are convicted of sexual assault may be sentenced to jail, probation, community service, or be required to register as sex offenders. Sex offender status is something no person wants to deal with, so you should speak with an attorney at our firm to make sure everything that can be done for your case, will be done.
Generally, sexual assault is charged as a second degree felony in Pennsylvania. There are times; however, where it can be a misdemeanor offense or a third degree felony charge. To determine the penalties of your specific offense, contact Rogan Law at any time, we would be happy to discuss your case with you. The sexual assault statutes can be found in 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Sections 3124.1.
The breakdown of penalties by the degree of offense, include:
- First Degree Felony Charges:
- A prison sentence of up to 20 years
- A fine of up to $25,000
- Second Degree Felony Charges:
- A prison sentence of up to 10 years
- A fine of up to $25,000
- Third Degree Felony Charges:
- A prison sentence of up to seven years
- A fine of up to $15,000
- First Degree Misdemeanor Charges:
- A prison sentence of up to five years
There are some types of offenses that can results in second or third degree misdemeanors, but generally sexual assault leads to second degree felony charges. On top of prison time and fines, an individual is also facing sex offender registration if convicted of sexual assault.
Rogan Law Can Help in Your Sexual Assault Case
To avoid these serious penalties, you need to team up with a skilled sex crime lawyer in Scranton, PA. There are several defenses that can be made on your behalf when facing sexual assault charges. Some defenses that we have made in the past include the existence of consent in the case. The age of the parties involved can also serve as a defense in a sexual assault case. On top of that, proving intoxication or insanity are strong defenses that can help get your charges reduced or even dismissed.
Contact Rogan Law at 570.906.8532 today to see how our lawyers can assist you in your sexual assault case! We offer free initial consultations.

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