Scranton Money Laundering Lawyer
Money laundering is the practice of engaging in financial transactions for the purpose of disguising the criminal enterprise that was the original source of the ill-gotten gains. Money laundering is often associated with large scale drug operations such as drug trafficking, which accumulate large quantities of cash money.
When large amounts of money are obtained through illegal means such as drug trafficking, it becomes necessary to hide the source, otherwise federal agencies may become interested in where the large amount of money came from. Money laundering often is a three step process, involving placement, layering, and integration of funds.
The penalties for money laundering are stiff. For a federal charge of money laundering, a person could be sentenced to 20 years in prison and $500,000 or two times the value of the money that was laundered in fines. Sometimes the federal government will order that the defendant's property and assets be seized as part of the punishment, since many times assets are purchased using laundered money.
The government must prove that a person's assets were either used to facilitate criminal activity or were purchased with proceeds from criminal activity before they can be seized.
Accused of Money Laundering in Scranton?
When facing white collar charges as serious as money laundering, it is imperative that you hire an attorney who is capable of handling a case of this magnitude. Money laundering cases are highly complex and require a detailed analysis of financial documents. Your attorney must be willing to hire the necessary experts to analyze financial transactions, and must be willing to put a great deal of time and energy into your case.
Contact a Scranton white collar lawyer for more information.

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