Scranton Trucking Accident Lawyer
If you've been injured in a trucking accident in or around Scranton, Pennsylvania, a skilled truck accident attorney at Rogan Law may be able to help you. By contacting our firm for a free consultation, we can evaluate your case and determine what we can do to assist you.
Truck Accident Statistics
Statistics can shed a great deal of light on a situation. In the case of trucking accidents, statistics show how often these occur, and what potential outcomes may occur, as well as who is likely to be injured. Following are some truck accident statistics gathered from reports generated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) a leading authority on traffic safety throughout the U.S.
Pennsylvania Truck Accident Statistics - 2008
In 2008, there were 192 fatalities from traffic accidents involving large trucks.
31 large truck occupants died in traffic collisions, comprising approximately 16% of all traffic fatalities in Pennsylvania truck accidents.
377 fatalities resulted from rollover accidents, both from large trucks and other types of vehicles.
National Truck Accident Statistics - 2008
In 2008, 4,229 people lost their lives in truck accidents throughout the U.S. Of these, 3,139 were occupants of other vehicles and 413 were non-occupants (pedestrians or cyclists.)
430 truck occupants lost their lives in single-vehicle truck accidents.
247 truck occupants lost their lives in multi-vehicle truck accidents.
National Truck Accident Statistics - 2007
In 2007, 413,000 large trucks were involved in traffic accidents throughout the U.S.
4,584 trucks were involved in fatal accidents.
4,808 people lost their lives in truck accidents.
One out of nine traffic fatalities in 2007 resulted from large truck accidents
Of the fatalities caused by truck accidents, 17% were occupants of the truck.
83% of fatalities in truck accidents were occupants of other vehicles involved or non-occupants.
77% of truck accident injuries occur to occupants of other vehicles or non-occupants.
Injured in a truck accident in Scranton or Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania? Contact a Scranton truck accident lawyer at Rogan Law today!

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